Welcome to the Finland-Malaysia Association's blog!
In this blog we will post the most recent and upcoming events, as well as everything you need to know about the Finland-Malaysia association and its activities!

Tervetuloa Suomi-Malesia yhdistyksen blogiin!
Tähän blogiin päivitämme tietoa sekä viimeisimmistä että tulevista tapahtumistamme, sekä kaiken mitä sinun tulee tietää Suomi-Malesia yhdistyksestä ja sen aktiviteeteista!

Sunday 25 November 2018

Recaps on this year's activity.

Dear all,

Here are recaps on some of our activities after our summer break.


We had a Malaysian style sports event or also known as *Sukaneka* with some fellow Malaysians and Fins. This event was hosted together with our very own Malaysian embassy here in Helsinki.


Why stop at one sport related activity if you can have more, right? So, FMA once again hosted together with our embassy of Malaysia here in Helsinki a friendly badminton game. 

Serious players.

Our slightly tired but happy players.

After the game, we treated ourselves with homemade Nasi Lemak, courtesy from En. Firdaus from the embassy of Malaysia. Lucky us!


Our favorite activity, makan-makan. Mr. Firdaus taught Nasi Lemak, his own recipe.

FMA members and some non members.

Mr. Firdaus preparing the sambal for the Nasi Lemak.

Table set and prepared :)

The result. A mouth watering dish!

Next, Mrs. Laimes showed how to prepare the Finnish Christmas pie, A must for all on Christmas.

Two ways on how to fold the pie. If you prefer a crispy pastry, make sure to spread some egg wash on top of the pies.

Perfect with hot tea and coffee!

It was a nice gathering for members and non members alike.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Spring Brunch 2018

Greetings all!!

This is a late post and a throw back of sort. But, like they say, better late than never! FMA's first event of the year, spring brunch. The menu, all that spring can offer us. Fresh fruits of the season, pies, something salty and something sweet.

Happy guest! 😃

 Full brunch set. Some guests brought with them something small to share. Although this was not a potluck event, sharing is caring 😘

Time to catch up and plan for future activities together.

We hope to see you all again in our next activities and events. Happy holidays and enjoy summer!

Finland-Malaysia Association Annual Meeting 2018


Greetings from the Finland-Malaysia Association!
As we approach the summer season and holidays, this is a perfect opportunity to introduce our board members for the year 2018. First and foremost, we are pleased to announce that the current board members will remain with the board for term 2018/2019. 

Bhuvaneswaran Niinivaara
Vice Chairman/Varapuheenjohtaja
Käri Mäkinen
Ville Kokkonen
Julia Moh

Board members: 
Diana Väyrynen
Mikko Toriseva
Limae Puah
Pia Lönnroth
Ayoma Walgama
Sio Sen Ang

The annual meeting took place at Microsoft Flux (Jugend Room) on the 9th of April 2018. We look forward to seeing you all at the events and activities for this year! 

Sunday 15 April 2018

2017 Events and Activities Recap

Dear members! 😁

Thank you for your support all these years and we hope that you will continue to do so in many, many years to come.

Last year had been an eventful year. Finland turned 100 years old on the 6th of December 2017 and to celebrate it, FMA hosted a Sunday brunch.

It was attended by some of our new and current members as well as Mr. Devrin, representing the Embassy of Malaysia here in Helsinki.

As an annual joint event, FMA and the Embassy of Malaysia hosted the Pre-Christmas party or also known as Pikkujoulu to wrap up the year 2017. This is a great opportunity for members and non members to gather together and socialize.

Other activities and events from last year include the Tervasääri picnic. 

 It was partly potluck and partly sponsored by FMA.  Check out the amount of delish we had! 🍕🍔🍝🍣🍬🍢🍭

Two new members joined during this event and FMA introduced them to some Finnish and Malaysian past time outdoor games.

 Living in Helsinki or any parts of Finland means as soon as the weather gets warmer, it is outdoor time! FMA is planning to have more sports or outdoor activities this year so do not forget to sign in as soon as you get the invitations. Last year, FMA hosted a Kayaking day. Weather was a bit colder than expected but it did not break the spirits of the participants of that day.

Warm ups and practice session.

FMA also hosted our Annual Golf Tournament and if any members are interested in joining the tournament this year, please email us at suomimalesiayhdistys@gmail.com and contact Kari Mäkinen. 

Hi and greetings to all our members! 

Spring time has arrived and it is time to get together and enjoy the coming warmer weather has to offer us.🌸

Our annual general meeting was held on the 9th of April 2018 at Microsoft Flux.  No changes to our board members' list and they will stay to serve for another year. Here are the list of our current board members:

President:                  Bhuvaneswaran Niinivaara
Vice president:          Kari Mäkinen
Secretary:                  Ville Kokkonen
Treasurer:                  Julia Moh

General board members

 Mikko Toriseva
 Diana Väyrynen
 Pia Lönnroth
 Limae Phuah
 Ayoma Walgama
 Sio Sen Ang

Planned events/activities for this year:

Bowling evening
Cooking/baking demo class
Picnic at Suomenlinna/ Tervasääri
Ambassador's luncheon
Business company visits
Potluck party
Annual golf tournament
Pikkujoulu/pre-Christmas party
Trips to Tallin/ St. Petersburg
Sports/outdoor activities 
Joint events/activities with the Embassy of Malaysia

If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us at suomimalesiayhdistys@gmail.com

Have a nice weekend everyone!

Saturday 17 December 2016

Christmas Party 2016


The 2016 little Christmas party was organized once again in association with the Malaysian Embassy and was held at the embassy's premises. Dozens of happy and enthusiastic little and big Christmas elves showed up.

The favourite program number was of course the Christmas carolling that no-one could escape :)

After the a couple of speeches, the cake cutting and carolling, a great meal and plenty of snacks and delicacies that all guests had brought, we all enjoyed the rest of the afternoon by mixing and mingling and of course had Santa pop in with some sweets as well! A great way to start Christmas holidays!

Sunday 30 October 2016

Diwali Brunssi 2016

Vuoden 2016 perinteinen syystapahtuma vietettiin himan värikkäämmissä tunnelmissa, Diwalin - perinteisen Intialaisen valojuhlan - merkeissä. Juhla käynnistettiin lyhyellä ttervetuliaispuheella, jonka jälkeen katsottiin lyhyt video Diwalista ja sen perinteistä. Sen jälkeen siirryttiin tietysti heti ruokailuun - onhan se aina tapahtumien kohokohta!

Ruoka oli TAAS taivaallista, kuten aina. Osa ruoasta oli tilattu Singapore Wok:sta ja sen lisäksi Bhuvan ja Diana vastasivat pääasiallisesti kokkailuista. Myös vieraat toivat tapansa mukaan suuren määrän erilaisia herkkuja. Menussa oli mm. kway teowta, lohicurrya, ananaskurrya, sitruunakanaa, aasialaista kana-kasvispataa, tulista kasvishöystöä sekä paljon muuta suolaista ja makeaa banaanikakusta, mini-muffinsseihin ja omenapiirakkaan.

Kuten jo perinteeksi on muodostunut, Julia piti taas vieraille leikkimielisen tietovisan, aiheina Suomi ja Malesia. Kilpalu nosti melutason ihanan korkealle kun ihmiset nauroivat ja miettivät vastauksia yhteen ääneen. Voittajakaksikko oli selkeä - Jyrki ja Ellen Niemi veivät Rossin avustuksella voiton (ka muhkeat palkinnot) kotiin!